Amazing, someone who went off to college and ended up less intelligent than they were when they got there. Who'd have thunk it.

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I see myself as an awesome writer, but you're at least a level above me. It's not often I say something like that. I've been consistently impressed with your novels.

Wong is a very common name. Ironically, my main character is James Wong, which is the most common Chinese name, like the equivalent of John Smith. He changes his name to None of the Above and runs for president. And that's how I start a sci-fi series...

I love the unpredictability of your writing. I've independently come up with some similar ideas, but the way you blend them together is true genius.

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Hi Jason, I thoroughly enjoy your books. When I read the name change (reversion), and whilst I knew David Wong was an alias, I was worried there was some yellow face situation going on. Very glad it's not because I love your books and I would have had some white guilt woke wank jiggery pokery response probably. I also really like how you admit to having changed your mind on some stuff. The world has changed such a lot since the 90s, and most people (including me) would be complete dickheads if they stayed the same that whole time. I really enjoy Zoey Ashe as a character. I like how you write women. Very much looking forward to the next book. Thanks heaps. Tracey

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My brother and I still sing "ACTIVATE" and have spontaneous techno dance parties to this day. I thought that might amuse you. It amuses me every time I sing it. I miss all the movie reviews too. Do you have an archive of all the old stuff somewhere. That stuff was pure gold.

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Hi Jason, been following you for a long long time. Stumbled across PWOT as a 12yo in 2000 looking for Matrix Sequel news and found your "leaked script". Didn't take me long to figure out that it wasn't a real script and that you're hilarious. I still regard your "Monkey Sphere" article as one of the best things I've ever read. Anyways, just want to say thanks, you're writing has definitely shaped the person I am today and its been amazing to see you're career progress the way it has.

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My friend just accidentally discovered John Dies at the End when she thought it was John Tucker Must Die. She was delighted. I had no idea she was ignorant of it. I blame myself. Anyway, I recommended the books.

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I am super excited about a possible Zoey Ashe TV series.

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Fun read, I remember finding John Dies at the End in a bookstore and being hooked immediately. Always looking forward to your next book!

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Hello, Jason, love your work. JDatE became one of my favorite novels about two-thirds of the way through my first reading.

I want to know where I can get that mug you are drinking out of in your photo up there. I want one real bad.

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I’d been wondering what JDATE stood for as I couldn’t figure out the connection with Jewish Dating. Kind of obvious in hindsight.

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