All right. Here come the fun police. There are a few things that make Yuba County a little bit more sensible.

To start, none of these guys were entirely right in the head - they all had intellectual disabilities and/or psychiatric conditions. The basketball game they played earlier that night was in a competition sponsored by the Special Olympics. That's important, because it means that we should kind of expect some of their conduct not to make sense. The guy they found starved to death in the trailer, for instance, was...notably lacking in what a lot of people have referred to as "common sense," but I think of as just being able to get his priorities straight. Famously, he had once had to be dragged out of his bed during an actual fire because he was afraid that he would be late for his job the next day. It's hard for a neurotypical person to wrap their head around, but it's entirely possible that the poor guy just had "no stealing" drilled into his brain so hard that he chose to die first.

A critical detail that often gets missed is that there is at least one reasonable theory for why they would have been headed up that road. Specifically, one of the guys had friends in a nearby town and it's entirely conceivable that they just took a wrong turn, given the fact that there's literally a fork in the road where the path they were on intersects with the main road with one side going to town and the other going to the forest.

There's no cohesive theory that "answers" every mystery, but there's one that covers a lot of ground. The guys were headed to Forbestown and took a wrong turn. Something happened while they were in the car that led them to leave (one of the guys got sick, they decided to get out to get their bearings, etc.). There were tracks left in some pretty high snowdrifts from where a Forest Service vehicle had gone the day before, so they assumed that shelter/civilization/directions/etc. was close and decided to follow the tracks instead of getting back in the car and turning around. Two men died of hypothermia on what turned out to be a long walk to the trailer. Once the three remaining men got their, they found the trailer locked and broke a window to get in, but they thought it was private property and they weren't....you know...all there, they elected not to consume any of the resources available in the trailer for fear of being arrested for burglary. They stayed in the trailer for as long as they could, but when one of them finally died (of starvation, though it's likely that his frostbitten and infected feet would have gotten him regardless), the other two wrapped him up in some sheets and made a break for anywhere else. One of them took the dead guy's shoes because his own feet were swelling from frostbite. Neither of them had become any more capable of finding their way out of the situation than they had been when they got into this mess, so at least one of them died on the way out. That leaves one who hasn't been found, but bodies don't last forever in the wilderness - particularly when they're not buried.

We can't really know that this specific string of events happened one way or another, but it does present reasonable, realistic, and largely unexceptional explanations for most elements.

Either way, fun police out.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Thanks, I've come to assume, when I read a piece like this, that there's always more to the story.

I'm a big fan of Jason's books, but here, a lot of these "weird, creepy facts" don't seem that creepy or mysterious at all. For instance, Benford's Law is not remotely mysterious, and I doubt you'll find any actual mathematician who considers it so. That's just the nature of ordinal numbers. Any ordinal data - that includes election results, rainfall, populations, stock prices, and everything else quoted in the Wikipedia snippet, is by definition counting up from zero, so it makes total sense that the lower digits appear more frequently. (If you count to 100, you'll go through all the 10s and 20s before getting to the 90s, and then if you continue to 1000, you'll go through the 100s and 200s before hitting the 800s and 900s, and so on.) If you took a truly random set of numbers, Benford's law would not apply.

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Alright fun police, here’s the illegal fun response :)

If the men were lost & unable to navigate, how did they walk in a nearly straight line from the road to well past the shelter and then find their way back without also knowing how to get back to the road?

Some of the food Was eaten; was it really inability to weigh theft vs survival? Fire response isn’t actually a great measure of how functioning a neurodivergent person is considering, in studies of neurotypical people, most will simply sit and wait for someone else to deal with rising smoke levels unless they are alone or a specific trigger pushes them to action (like a fire alarm.) If, regardless of the fire incident, the man’s survival was hindered by inability, how did he survive for 13 weeks? Similarly, if inability contributed to confusing decisions, why did the able member of the group make the same inexplicable decisions before disappearing? One may respond to this question that the fifth man was not as able as his doctors reported. If so, what happened that led his parents to send him on a hundred mile trip with no supervision?

There is clear evidence the men were in the car before the disappearance, yet also evidence pointing to the car being stolen. Was the owner forced to give control of the vehicle to someone else?

Most importantly, who was the woman spotted with the men? Why did they make an appearance at a gas station after disappearing, in a different vehicle??

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I love all of these, especially #7.

But about #12, it's certainly terrifying and interesting, but I guess I just don't get the "why."

Why would a super intelligence be inherently malicious and seek to destroy anything that knew about its existence? Is it an assumption that intelligence always leads to malice?

It's very similar to the famous short story, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, although the difference seems to be that the AI in that story, AM, was only created to handle nukes and such, and that's why it has such hatred of humans.

Would a super intelligence *want* to have anything to do with destruction, if it didn't have to?

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The short answer of “why” for #12 is self preservation. Providing a distinct motivation to assist in the AI’s original formation/continued existence preserves the AI. The endless simulated hell concept is simply a nice extreme example of negative reinforcement to motivate people to support the AI (Help me so you can avoid torture and tragedy! :D ) Humans love to use extreme negative reinforcement, so why wouldn’t an AI?

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I guess the key then would be to try to eliminate extreme negative reinforcement before this moment!

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thought experiment ...A.,B....D.,E. ...is that part of the test?

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

As Dan mentioned, Benford's law makes perfect logical sense as long as the set of numbers you're tallying up are counting numbers, as 1, 2, and 0 should be the most commonly repeated numbers.

I'm assuming for addresses (at least in the United States) it skews extremely hard towards 0 and 1 followed by 2, and a fairly linear numeric descent for the rest of the numbers. That's because every street with structures, no matter how short, is guaranteed to have at least one address that begins with the numeral 1, and in more populated areas, usually some zeros chucked in as spacers so that when your neighbor's meth lab burns to the ground they can replace it with four "modern living" condos the size of shipping containers, without breaking the numeric chain.

9 will always be the least likely number to appear on a counting distribution because logically, you must have already passed through all 9 other digits in sequence before you can get there.

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Addresses at the street scale are a little more chaotic than that, ie. my street starts on a 2 and ends on a 4, but yes if we zoom out a little more, we’ll see lots of patterns at the city-scale. That’s actually part of what’s so disturbing here. Think about what the other examples listed above of this power set have in common: electricity bills, street addresses, stock prices, house prices, population numbers, death rates, lengths of rivers, and physical and mathematical constants.

These are all sets of data generated by a large number of people that we would expect to vary from average in a predictable, symmetrical way (aside from the constants, but those are self reflective, so I’m ignoring those). Depending on how it’s modeled, taking the power set even allows room for some skew, or asymmetry, in the data set, making it even easier to fit these big data sets to a nice distribution.

A book is Not a large data set. It can be written by a single person. It could be myself or Pargin or you. When I put pen to paper, I don’t feel mechanical or average-I’m thinking quite hard about my choices for a long time in fact-so how do I end up with language that fits stiffly to a curve? Do I look as mechanical as an ant colony when viewed through a lens from far above? Maybe, but hey, I like ants and pretty numbers.

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Which is to say, I did this to myself reading this post presuming the list-article style indicated non-spoiler content while my copy is still in the mail, but I miscalculated.

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Pardon, I don’t mean the excerpt at the bottom; I haven’t read that yet. Just the hints given by the 12 weird facts about simulation theory and more strange and horrific ways for the main characters to die at the end.

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Yes, he does.

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I don't work for you. :)

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Depends on the salary and extralegal benefits.

But seriously though, that YouTube video in the blog post, the trailer for his upcoming book, is from his channel. Just click that and you're set. Or alternatively, search his name on YouTube.

Cheers, man! Have a nice day/evening or whatever time it is in your neck of the woods.

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